
Monthly Meetings

Meetings begin with a brief announcement of events, exhibitions, etc., as well as discussion of future club events. We then get into the highlight of each meeting, an instructional demonstration by one of our skilled turners. Following the Demo we take a refreshment break. After the break members can present their challenge pieces and “show and tell” of turning related items and tools. We end the meeting with a wood raffle.

  • Announcements are given by the club president. All in attendance can also share their wood turning related announcements.
  • The live instructional demonstration is given by one of our members and focuses on a specific type of turning or skill. Every member is then challenged to attempt what was demonstrated. We have a talented pool of turners who do a great job of explaining every aspect of the demonstration.
  • Challenge pieces are brought in that were demonstrated at the last meeting. If you attempted the turning, you share your turning (sometimes only the pieces are brought in), and your experiences so we can all learn and grow.
  • “Show and Tell” provides an opportunity for everyone to bring something they have created, a technique they have developed, or a new tool they have used to share with the group. Everything, from mistakes, beginning efforts, to masterpieces is welcome; we learn from them all.
  • The wood raffle is held each meeting , as donations are available. Please bring in any wood, or tools you no longer need an would like to share with the club and help the club raise funds.

Refreshments are served free of charge; members, if so inclined, are encouraged to bring snacks and soft drinks for all to enjoy

During the refreshment break, we hold a wood raffle. Members bring extra pieces of wood and some times tools or equipment that are raffled at $1 per ticket (or six tickets for $5).

The meetings are always open to questions and comments from attendees, and we invite and encourage them to share their knowledge and experiences freely. The informal interchange between woodturners before, during the break, and after the meeting, can be invaluable.

Visitors and prospective members are always invited to attend any meeting. We encourage those who are interested to join us. You are always most welcome.

2025 Meeting Schedule

* Officer Elections